Still, Ade Advanced Optics Huracan offers decent value for the price and is great for trying out a reflex sight to see if it's your thing. Budget Pick: There aren't many sights under $200 that are worth the money.It's probably the most reliable pistol reflex sight out there. Trijicon RMR beats the competition through excellent performance in all light conditions (especially night vision) & excellent battery life, and remains the best choice for professionals.
Best Overall: Trijicon RMR Type 2 remains the king of professional pistol red dot reflex sights.You won't find a better bang for your buck than this. It's as close as you'll get to mil-spec quality without paying the price of a professional red dot. Best Value For Money: Vortex Venom is the best pistol red dot for most people.This point is especially important for self-defense. Practice using your reflex sight! At first, finding the dot is hard when you pull out your gun, but you will get better with training.With that said, most red dot sights worth their money are built like tanks and you'll have no issues if you take proper care of them.
Pistol Red Dot Cons: They require training, they're susceptible to elements such as rain, and there is always a risk of mechanical/electronic failure (when compared to iron sights). All of the above takes practice, but you'll have a clear advantage over iron sights. Pistol Red Dot Pros: threat focusing, shooting at the distance, shooting on the move, shooting in low light environments (including night vision), and target transition/acquisition. All top picks in this article are compatible with Glock MOS. With some pistols, you'll need to buy additional mounting or waterproofing hardware which will add to the cost. Red Dot Mounts: Most pistol reflex sights are made to mount on Glock MOS and Springfield OSP, but this really depends on your handgun. Tritium doesn't need a battery but doesn't work that well in bright light. We recommend LED dots for most people as they work in all light conditions and batteries last a long time. Types of red dots for handguns: There are 3 different types of red dots that you can mount on your pistol - (1) Tritium, (2) LED, and (3) Dual Tritium/LED. It’s the most versatile option for most people. The 3 MOA size dot is small enough for accurate shooting at range while also being big enough for fast acquisition. With a bigger 6 MOA size it is easier to pick up a target more quickly, but these larger dots will cover up your target at a distance. Which MOA To Choose: We recommend going for a 2-3 MOA dot size. Cheaper reflex sights get the job done but are generally unreliable. Expect to pay $400+ for a professional red dot sight. Price: You'll find that the sweet spot is around $200. Best Pistol Red Dots / Reflex Sights: 30-Second Summary